Chronological order and historical development of different methods of teaching the foreign Languages


As we know that learning English in India it is gradually becoming very important due to the century as well as techno-age is concerned. We all knew that English is taught either as Second Language or Target Language. It is very difficult for student-beginner who recently started to learn English language as foreign language. One of the vital and pivotal pivot roles of learning Foreign Language is to open the treasure hidden in the literature of a particular language. To reveal such treasure one needs to be mastered in different methods of teaching the foreign languages. This makes easy full for learners to learn foreign language. If we want to understand different method of teaching foreign language things linguistically we can understand it as "A method in linguistics and language teaching determines what and how much is taught. The order in which it is taught, how the meaning and form are conveyed and what is done to make the use of language unconscious. Therefore the methods deal with different methods of foreign language teaching. Some have had their peak days and have fallen into relative insignificance while others are widely used now but still others have a small following but it should not be insight that may be captivated into generally accepted. "

Keywords: Chronological order, historical development, foreign Languages

What do we mean by Foreign Language

A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to; ie English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her. Following are the foreign languages

English, Irish, Arabic, Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish, American-English, Japanese, Chinese etc. are known as different types of Foreign Language. There are many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all about these languages ​​grammar and it's particular rules and regulation but, here let us see what are the different methods to learn English as second foreign languages.

Different methods to Teaching foreign languages

If we want to learn English as a foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we can learn foreign language. There are following methods that plays important role to teaching foreign languages.

to.        The audio-lingual method

b.        Army method
c.        Direct method
d.        New key method
and.        Grammar-translation method
F.         Bilingual method
g.        Directed practice method
h.        Structural method

i.          Total physical response method (TPRM) by Asher's approach

j.         Suggestopedia method by (Lozanov's method)
k.        France / Britain method
l.          New methods
m.      Reading method

n.        Compromise method by (Curren's method)

These above methods are very useful for teaching foreign languages ​​since the days of yore. All these methods are based on behaviorist theory. Let us discuss the some important methods which are frequently used for teaching foreign languages ​​different methods of teaching foreign languages.

Chronological order of each teaching method and their development

Listed below is the chronological historical development of methods.

Series Methods
Grammar-Translation Method
Audio-lingual Method
Types of Methods
Classification / termed as
Grammar-translation method
The Classical Method
Direct method
The Reform / Natural / anti-grammatical
Audio-lingual method
The First modern method
Humanistic teaching approach
A range of new holistic methods applied to language


International Journal of English Research

Communicative language teaching
The modern standard method

Change and innovation in language Teaching: -1830-1998
Main feature
Grammar-Translation Method
Reform / Direct Method Phonetics
Compromise Method Modern Foreign Language Study Reading-Method / Basic English
Linguistic Approach to Language Teaching American Army Method Intensive Language

Audio Lingual (USA) and Audio-Visual (France / Britain) Methods Language Laboratory


Audio-Lingual Habit Theory vs. Cognitive code learning impact of Chomsky's Theory

Sociolinguistics Method Research Method Analysis

New methods Breakaway from Method Concept

History of Grammar- Translation Method

Origin : - The grammar-Translation Method originated from centuries of centuries old teaching and practice Latin. In the early 1500s, Latin was the most widely studied foreign language due to its prominence in government, academia and business. However, during the course of the use of Latin dwindled and it was gradually replaced by English, French, and Italian. After the decline of Latin, the purpose of learning, it in schools changed. While previously students had learned Latin for the purpose of communication, it came too learned as a purely academic purpose and subject only. This method of teaching foreign languages ​​derived from the classical dosco (sometimes called as traditional) method of teaching; This method was first foremost adopted by teachers who were engaged in teaching of Classical Languages ​​like Greek and Latin in western countries of the world. Learning Latin or Greek was an activity of those old school days as right now English stands as globally language. This method know as other nameClassical method of teaching ; because it is very much helpful to learn other foreign languages ​​like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish etc. this method is very popular among the average teachers because it is very easy to use, taught in the classrooms. However, this is the method, which has been used in the Spanish language and its use and has been dominated the activities to be carried out in the classroom as in this method is concerned with words, phrases and sentences are to be taught with the help of it. It means that everything should be taught by translating in to mother tongue or vernacular language. It is also believed that phraseology and vocabulary of foreign language can be taught and learned through translating it's meaning into mother tongue side by side. All over Europe in the 18 th and 19 th centuries, the education system was formed chiefly around a concept called faculty education of Psychology.This theory dictated that the body and mind were separated and the mind consisted of three parts: the will, emotion and intellect. It was believed that the intellect could be sharpened enough to ultimately control the will and emotions. The way to do this was through learning classical literature of the Greeks and Romans as well as mathematics. Moreover, an adult with such an education was considered mentally prepared for the world and its challenges. In the beginning, it was believed that teaching modern languages ​​was not useful for the development of mental discipline and that, they were left out of the curriculum. When modern languages ​​did begin to appear in school curricula in the 19 th century, teachers taught them with the same grammar-translation method as was used since the time of classical

Latin and Greek used to. Therefore, textbooks were essentially copied for the modern language classroom. In the United States of America, the basic foundations of this method were used in most of high schools and colleges of foreign language classrooms.

What is Grammar-Translation Method Grammar-Translation method classes are gradually conducted in the student's native language. Grammar rules are learned deductively. Students learn grammar rules by reception and then practice the rules by doing grammar drills and translating. Sentences, form of target language. More attention is paid to the form of the sentence being translated than to their content. When students reach more advanced levels of achievement then they can translate between the texts or the foreign language into mother tongue. The teaching of grammar consists of a process of training in the rules of a language which must be made possible to all the students to express their express opinions, to understand the remarks which are addressed to them and to analyze the texts that they read at school .

Principles and Goals of Grammar-Translation Method There are two " main goals to grammar-translation" methods which are as follows

1.       One is to develop student's reading ability to a level where they can read literature in target (foreign) language.

2.       Second is to develop student's general discipline. The users of foreign language wanted simply to note things of their interest in the literature of foreign languages.

3.       There are three " principles to grammar-translation" methods which are as follows

1.       Translation interprets foreign language phraseology best.

2.       In the process of interpretation, the foreign language and phraseology assimilated.

3.       Structures of foreign language are best learned by compared with that of mother tongue.

Characteristics of Grammar-Translation Method Following the characteristics of Grammar-Translation Method ... ..

1.       Classes are taught in mother tongue (native language) with the help of little active use of the target (foreign) language.

2.       English grammar, taught through rules and regulation, definition, translation and study of mother tongue grammar in comparative way.

3.       It is considered grammar as the soul of language in which mother tongue dominates in this method to learn foreign language.

4.       There is no scope of building linguistic competence in learners.

Merits of Grammar-Translation Methods : -

1.       The ultimate aim and use of the mother tongue make teaching activity very easy.

2.       It helps to improve correct knowledge of English language by emphasis on grammar.

3.       It is very effective because students are able to understand idioms, phrases, words easily and delicately translated into their mother tongue.

4.       There is clarity in understanding meaning of words.
5.       It helps to learn grammar of foreign language.

6.       It also develops the art and translations skills of learners.
7.       It can be easily used in over thousand classes.

Demerits of Grammar-Translation Methods

1.       This method does not emphasize the basic skills like Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

2.       There are some complicated idioms and phrases which can not translate into mother tongue.

3.       English language has some structure which can not be translated into mother tongue like A, AN, and THE.

4.       This method makes teaching process dry and burdensome and boring.

Direct Method

Origin: This method was established in Germany and France around 1900 or in 1901. The principles of the direct method came from Germany and were popularized by the International Phonetics Association (IPA) in France.

What is Direct Method

This method also known as natural method because of its characteristics is concerned. We observe in language teaching is similar to acquisition of language one (L 1 ). It is very difficult to bring environment of language 2 (L 2 ). Later on, this popular method as the Direct Method ; because it is method that refrains from using the learner's native language and just uses the target language. Mother tongue is also known as direct method which proved many centuries ago; and this method existed against reaction of the grammar-translation method. Teaching is a mechanical activity and learners were acquiring the knowledge of language. The learning a second language or foreign language is not a natural process. Teaching of English as a L 1and F L observing the principles of language acquisition is the direct method. Let us discuss some major key aspects of Direct Methods.

Key Aspects of Direct Method

1.       This method is fully loaded with activities and the part of the teacher as well as learners.
2.        Direct method is full of activities, which are natural and interesting for learners.

3.       Introduction of new words, numbers, alphabets, character, sentence or concept are referred to as an elements.

4.       Progress, from new element to new elements within same lesson

5.       Progress is done form lesson to lesson

6.       Syntax, the correct location of the new elements is taught in a sentence.

Characteristics of Direct Method
1.       The direct method of teaching foreign languages.
2.       Refrains from using the learner's native language.
3.       Uses only the target language.
4.       Grammar is taught inductively.

5.       Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them.

6.       Concrete vocabulary taught through demonstration, objects, and patterns.

7.       Both speaking and listening comprehensions are taught.

8.       Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.

9.       Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.

10.   It was established in Germany and France around 1900 s

Merits of Direct Method

1.       Direct method makes understanding of English becomes easier

2.       Pupils acquire good habits of speech on proper pronunciation, intonation and stress also.

3.       According to Macnee is concerned: - " Direct method is the quick method of learning and expanding vocabulary."

4.       Direct method brings the words of positive vocabulary into active vocabulary.

5.       Direct method appeal to the eyes and ears both.

Demerits of Direct Method : -

1.       In this method, reading, writing and vocabulary extensions are neglected. Aspects both.

2.       Dr. Bretten says that: "only the clever child can make profit in this method."

3.       Only limited numbers are taught in this method, not all words, phrase and idioms.

4.       It is not applicable when suitable teachers are not available.

The Audio-Lingual Method : -

The audio lingual method has students listen to or view recording of language models acting in situations. Students practice with a variety of drills and the instructor emphasizes the use of the target language at all times. The audio-lingual method was used by the United States army for "cash" instruction in foreign languages ​​during World War 2. Because of weakness in performance, audio-lingual methods are hardly ever the primary methods of instruction now days. This method is method for teaching foreign language based on behaviorist theory which emphasizes the development of oral skill through habit formation, fostered by the use of repetition and principles that we have to consider when we teach foreign language.

The Steps in audio-lingual method :

1.       The teacher introduces a new dialogue and models it two times.

2.       The students repeat each line of the dialogue several times.

3.       The teacher initiates uses chain drill and uses spoken and pictures cues.

4.       The teacher uses chain drill and uses spoken and pictures cues.

5.       The teacher uses single-slot and multi slot substitution drills.

6.       The teacher gives feedback with saying "very good or excellent" when the students answer correctly.

7.       The teacher conducts transformation and question-and-answer drills.

Principles of Audio-Lingual Methods :

1.        The role of the teacher and the student: - The teacher is like an orchestra leader who direct and control the language behavior of their students. They have responsibility to provide their students with a good model for imitation. In contrast, students are as imitations of teacher's model or the tape supplies of model speaker accurately and as quickly as possible.

2.        The natural of students-teacher interaction and students-students interaction: - Student-student interaction happens in chain drills or in dialogue when they take different roles and it is directed by teacher. Most of the interaction is between teacher and student and it is initiated by teacher.

The techniques of audio-lingual methods : - there are several Audio-Lingual methods which are as follows.
1.       Dialogue memorization
2.       Backward build-up expansion drill
3.       Repetition drill
4.       Chain drill
5.       Single-slot substitution drill
6.       Multiple-slot substitution drill
7.       Transformation drill

8.       Question-and-answer drill
9.       Use of minimal pairs
10.    Complete the dialog
11.    Grammar game1

Hint : - The audio-lingual method is not perfect method

The Assets / Merits of Audio-Lingual Method: -
1.       All the students are active in the class.
2.       The circumstance class is more interesting and life.

3.       The speaking and listening skill are more drilled, therefore the skill and listening skill are more controlled.

Demerits of Audio-lingual Method

1.       For the smart students this method is bored for the reason that the procedure of the audio-lingual method is majority repeat the sentence.

2.       Sometimes the students are confused for the reason that the teacher explains the material in simple way not in detail way.

3.       The grammar skill is not more drilled.

Structural Method

"Different arrangement and patterns are called structural method" . They may be complete utterances or they may be a part of a large pattern. The structures include sentence patterns, for example "she gave me a book." Formula, the group of words that are used on certain occasion such as' good morning or evening ',' well done ', phrase pattern, for instance ' on the table ', with the stick and idioms for example ' at the eleventh hour ',' tooth and nail 'etc. it is based on the principles.

Principles of Structural Method : -

1.       The importance of speech as the necessary means of fixing all ground work

2.       Importance of forming language habits in the Standard English sentence pattern to replace the pupils' L1 sentence pattern.

Merits of Structural Method :

1.       The language material is carefully selected by facilitating on the parts of the pupils.

2.       Much emphasis is laid on speech but not on writing.

3.       Throughout intensive drills, pupils cultivate the habit of speaking target language. It makes pupils more active.

Demerits of Structural Method :

1.       In this method, reading, writing and vocabulary extension are neglected.

2.       Unbending sequencing of structure results in the production of uninterested reading materials.

3.       It is not applicable when suitable teachers are not available.

Bilingual method

While learning the native language, the child grasps the situation and learns mother tongue words. The supporters of bilingual method believe that it is the wastage of time for recreating a situation while teaching a foreign language. They think that teaching-learning method is usual when mother tongue equivalents are given to the pupils without duplicating the situation. It differs from translation method in two following respects.

1.       It is the teacher only who uses the mother tongue to explain meanings.

2.       Pupils are given a lot of practice in the drill of sentence patterns. Such practice is not provided in the translation methods.

Merits of Bilingual method

1.       It is an easy method since an average teacher of English can teach successfully.

2.       It promotes both fluency and accuracy.

3.       3 it requires little equipment and is so, suited to all types of school that is rural as well as urban.

4.       Much time is saved which can be used to provide a pattern for the pupils.

Demerits of Bilingual method

1.       In the hands of an unimaginative teacher it may degenerate into translation method.

2.       It is not useful at the higher secondary level or stage.

Directed practice method
Directed practice method has students repeat phrases. Este
method is used by US Diplomatic courses. It can quickly

provide   phrasebook-type knowledge    of   the    language.   The
student's usage is accurate and the practice within these limits.
On the other hand, the student's choice of what to say is not

Total physical Response Method (TPRM)
Asher's     approach     method    Begins     by     Placing     primary

importance on listening comprehension by emulating the early
stages   of   mother   tongue   acquisition    and   then   moving    to
speaking,   reading    and   writing.     Students   prove   their
comprehension by acting out commands issued by the teacher.
Teachers provide novel and often humorous variations of the

commands.   Activities are designed to be   fun and to allow
students to assume active learning roles. Activities eventually
include games and skits.

Community language learning Method
In Curren's method , teachers considered students as "whole             

persons, "with intellect, feelings, instincts, physical responses
and desire to learn. Teachers also know that learning can be
threatening   By   the    understanding   and   accepting   student's
fears, teachers help students feel secure and overcome their
faces As a result, they help them harness positive energy for

learning    The    syllabus    used    is     learner-generated    in    that
students choose what they want to learn in the target language.

Summing up
This     research     paper     tried     to     give     information     about
chronological and historical methods since 15 th  centuries to
19 th  century    furthermore    it    commencing    the    merits    and
demerits    of    the    different    methods    of     teaching    foreign

language, here I conclude that none above methods can suite
all pupils, all place and all conditions. My approach in this
regard should be electric and pragmatic. Here, I included some
best of the best method which are useful for teacher to teach

students different foreign languages ​​according to their needs.
All   methods   are   defect   and   dejure   which   give   definitely
results to teachers as well as students.


1.       Halliday MAK, Strevence PD, McIntosh A. The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching, Longman, 1964.

2.       O'Donnel WR. applied Linguistics and the Teaching of English Longman.

3.       Side R. Language Testing: The Construction and Use of Foreign Language Tests Longman, 1957.
